13-08-2022, 10:37 PM
تمت كتابة غالبية برامج Lisa بلغة Pascal بواسطة Apple مع عدد قليل من البرامج المكتوبة بلغة تجميع 68000. لإعطاء فكرة عن حجم هذا الجهد ، تمت كتابة نظام التشغيل Lisa في حوالي 90.000 سطر من Pascal وكان كل برنامج من برامج Lisa (مثل LisaWrite) يحتوي في مكان ما على حوالي 50000 سطر لكل منهما ".
"The majority of Lisa programs were written in the Pascal language by Apple with a few programs written in 68000 assembly language. To give an idea of the size of this effort the Lisa operating system was written in around 90,000 lines of Pascal and each Lisa program (eg LisaWrite) contained somewhere around 50,000 lines each."
A little real history
The Lisa's OS was written in Pascal.
http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~jwalker/lisa-legacy/"The majority of Lisa programs were written in the Pascal language by Apple with a few programs written in 68000 assembly language. To give an idea of the size of this effort the Lisa operating system was written in around 90,000 lines of Pascal and each Lisa program (eg LisaWrite) contained somewhere around 50,000 lines each."
A little real history
اللّهمّ فرّج أُموراً ضَاقت بها صُدورنا وعجزت بها حيلتنا وقلّ بها صَبرنا الّلهمّ أَسعِد قلوبنا بما أنتَ أعْلَمُ بِهِ مِنّا